NMD Listening Session Agenda - 5

DOR Natural Medicine Division Listening Session #5:

Laboratory Testing Program

October 3, 2023 │ 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.


Join Zoom Meeting Here

Meeting ID: 854 0245 2433




  1. Welcome
  2. Summary of Listening Session
  3. Overview of statutory requirements
  4. Open Discussion
  5. Next Steps


Discussion Questions:

The following questions are intended to guide initial discussions to assist attendees as they prepare for the Listening Session. Attendees are invited to raise additional questions or topics that are not contemplated in this list but relevant to the Listening Session topic.

  • What traditional or historical cultivation practices can serve as a foundation for regulatory guardrails or requirements?
  • What is the average weight of a single flush of psilocybin?
  • What types of products should be permitted (or prohibited) within the regulated space?
    • Do certain product types pose increased safety risks that need to be considered or addressed through regulations?
  • What are the emerging product types and should those emerging products be subject to more stringent or additional requirements in order to be utilized in an administration session?
  • If the Department has the authority to limit the number of cultivation and manufacturing licenses issued, should it?


Additional DOR-Provided Resources:


Additional Shared Information:

The resources below were compiled as a result of Natural Medicine Division research and outreach efforts and may not be encompassing of the world of information available, and the Division continues to invite interested parties that have relevant insight, perspectives, or information to share that with Division by emailing Allison Robinette at allison.robinette@state.co.us.

The information below is being shared for purposes of informing the Listening Session discussion and is not an endorsement of any of the organizations or the accuracy of the information.